Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cash Tendered

     So what is it with people and them paying for what they get in full, can you really go to a grocery store and get stuff there and not have all the money to pay for it in full or at all and still take it all home with you?

     Or would you have to put back stuff till you reach the monetary balance that you had enough to pay for before you can leave the store with the stuff you picked up.

     So why is it that people think that gas stations are any different? I mean come on you go there knowing you need to get gas (or possibly something else) and yet get upset when asked for the full amount for the gas that you just put in to your vehicle. Have we as human beings taken the definition of entitlement to a whole New level? I mean we are lucky here in Nova Scotia employers are not permitted to actually collect on shortages; however that does not mean that they can not take other action that can and does lead up to termination of your employment.

     People have to remember that these people at gas stations and such are generally at minimum wage or just above if they are lucky.

     So the next time you go to a gas station remember you are dealing with a minimum wage employee and if you short them on what you owe you can be the cause or them losing their job then you have to choice but to quite possibly pay for then to be on assistance if they can't get employment insurance.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The triple belly buster

Ok so I took the chance of stuffing myself today at Cheese Curds in Burnside by ordering the triple belly buster from them. Total cost for the burger by itself was $12.59 taxs in. When it was given to me there was a wooden spike in it (There is no other way to describe it) to hold it together. Of course me not listening took it out and attempted to eat the burger (the only extras I got on the burger were pickles and onions and chipolte mayo) which failed miserably, note to self and everyone else do not remove the spike from the burger. The burger it self is massive and as per the other burgers very delicious and very filling to say the least. Now for the nitty gritty if you can eat this burger (Even with the spike in it)  without making a mess; then you are eating it completely wrong and should be made to do dishes as punishment. So what are you all waiting for? Get you Twitter butt (Facebook Butt) to CheeseCurds located at 600 Windmill Rd in Burnside right away and get anyone of these fine and delicious mouth watering burgers (And if you have room, the fries and or routine as well). You do not know what you are missing out on.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Handicap spots and idiot's

    So this has been on my mind for some time and finally I have time in which to put this down for all to read. I work in a customer service business in which me and all other employee's have access to view the entire parking lot at all times of the day and night. As all business's have we have parking spots for customer's and employee's to use. Of which there is about 8 or 9 spots total; 1 of those spots is designated for handicap people with proper documentation in and or on their vehicle to use.

    Now with this when we all go for our driving exam and or test we are all told and taught not to park in the handicap spot('s) ("unless otherwise permitted to do so") out of courtesy and requirement by the law. However it appears that this day and age no one cares about what is right and or wrong any more in regards to this and other matters.

    So why is it that people still park in the handicap spots and feel they have the right to do so?. I see soo many people do this it is ridiculous and when it is pointed out to them they get upset that you noticed and said something to them.

    Case in point. I was working a shift starting from 3pm and ending at 11pm 1 winter night. During that time there was about 10 vehicles parking in that spot. Surprisingly all but 1 took it nicely when I told them they were parked in a handicap spot and 1 even moved their vehicle and came back in and finished their transaction. However 1 person took severe offense to it and even said that there were no markings showing the spot as such. Now granted it had been snowing all day and all night. However I also had been spending my entire shift clearing the parking spots of snow and ice. I indicated to this person that had he been paying attention he would of seen the Handicap spot painting that is under his truck, I even pointed it out to him and said also he will be able to see it when he backs his vehicle up. I am starting to think that maybe just maybe all handicap spots may have to start looking like this.

Pay attention and you shall see this.
This is the evolution of handicap spots if we don't do something quickly.

    So I did some researching on what it would cost if a police officer was to see this and issue a ticket for parking in a handicap spot, the information is below with links to the source of the information as well.

    Now the same thing goes as well for "Fire Lanes". There are numerous people that will also park in a fire lane and feel justified about doing it as well. Are we as a society becoming so ignorant to the rules set forth that we no longer care either?. Information and source link also for this fine is listed below as well.

    Now case in point on June 02, 2013 in reference to the rules and regulations I was making a left hand turn from one road to another that also has a cross walk on it, now when there is someone in the crosswalk they have the right away until they are clear of the road entirely. So naturally I stopped and was awaiting this person to finish crossing the street before I continue on. However the person behind me did not like this and went around me and came within 1 meter of hitting the person crossing the street legally. Luckily I was able to get a shot of the plate and sent it to the police, now if anything came of that I do not know.

This car just went around me when I was stopped for someone in a crosswalk on Victoria rd.

    Here is a great Blog for some additional stats and info on crosswalks and other crosswalk data as well done by John McKiggan.

    I have even got to the point now of having a video camera with me every day just in case in see any infractions like this again so that they can be reported and action taken on the person that is putting other people in jeopardy.

    There was also a recent Article from Global News about an App called “SpotSquad” which would unleash a lot of parking bounty hunters. Currently they say it violates our rights because everyone is entitled to their privacy, however if you are breaking the law what right do you have to privacy, If I can see it why cant anyone else? The police can already issue a ticket if they see you breaking the law, so why can they not act on it if you report it to them and then they confirm it. Your privacy is inside your vehicle not the outside of it in public. To date it is still being debated and I say go for it, bring it out for the people to use, in the end we would have less violators doing the things that should not be done.

    A fire lane is a marked lane in a parking lot that is near a structure. Parking is prohibited in fire lanes to ensure the access of safety equipment to the structure in the event of an emergency. Fire lanes are defined as passageways or access roads that allow fire apparatuses to pass through. They are not intended for normal vehicle traffic. There are certain requirements that must be met when designing a fire lane. Because fire trucks and other apparatuses are so large, there must be certain accommodations made for them. Though these can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, they are generally similar. Fire Lanes also provide clear space for egress from a burning building and should therefore be wider for larger occupancy buildings.

Source Info: http://www.gov.ns.ca/just/regulations/sots/NSSOTbooklet.pdf

My name is Wilcre and you can follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/

Friday, June 7, 2013

Windmill Rd Cheese Curds in Burnside

     So I went to Cheese Curds in Burnside today located at 600 Windmill Rd, Dartmouth, Their hours are quite good, they cover lunch and supper times and somewhat late in to the evening (Hours are posted at the bottom of this).

     So when I first walked in, I was quite surprised. The place is massive (They can accommodate just over 300 in the entire place). On the right hand side you have Cheese Curds and on the left hand side you have Habaneros. Doing it this way has left the entire front of the store for seating and standing area, as well it funnels you down to the bathrooms at the back as well as the lines for each restaurant as well.

     Now at the back they also have a "Conference room" with good size seating as well to accommodate for staff meetings for near by business's. They will also cater to your place of work; But you do have to have your order in to them before 10am for that to be done. They also have a upper level which can accommodate about 100 people.

     Now just about anywhere you are while inside you have view of some nice flat screen televisions which is very nice. They also have modern music playing in the back ground as well.

     The staff that I seen today was very nice and upbeat and more than willing to help a Cheese Curds Virgin pick out the right stuff to get and make sure I have everything that I wanted as well. Surprisingly as well when I was placing my order the employee tried to upsell me a beer... Yep that is right, they have beer on tap as well as in bottles (not a big selection, but hey at least they have it there...).

     All the staff their were all doing their own jobs by making fries and the hamburger patties and such, but yet they all were working as a team and interacting with each other the entire time I was there. Now if only more places of business like that were working like that together it would be better.

     So when I placed my order I got the Legendary CC Porker + Cheese Curds’ Original Poutine with a fountain drinking spending a total of $18.11. I thought I would start off with something simple and with what I was hearing people talk about.

     So once I paid for my order they gave me a custom coaster that lights up and vibrates when your order is ready. In total It only took about 5 minutes before I was able to get my food and before I even got it I was asked if I had been waiting long for my food; Which was/is phenomenal to say the least.

     So I got my food. Now the decision is to figure out where it is I want to sit? Upstairs or Downstairs. I choose to sit upstairs. I figured go with the upstairs to get a good view of the place and the employee's to watch as everything goes on.

     Even though they were busy I found a table very easily and it was clean. I sit down and finally get to take a good look at the food. It looked amazing, then I got the smell from it. My mouth instantly started to water, it smelled soo good I could not believe it. Like I said to @ADHD123Sue on Twitter I was having a MouthGasm and it did not stop till I was done eating and left which was almost a hour from the time I walked in. You definitely can not rush the devouring of this food, it has to be savored no two ways about it.

     Now the short video clip that is attached here is running from the bathroom upstairs through the upstairs sitting area, down the stairs turning left and then out the front door.

     Now I will say this for certain. I will be going back again hands down, but I will definitely be taking people with me next time to enrich the experience of the atmosphere and the conversation as well.  

Mon-Thurs. 11am-8pm Fri-Sat. 11am-9pm Sun. Closed

Sunday        - Closed
Monday       - 11am – 8pm
Tuesday       - 11am – 8pm
Wednesday  - 11am – 8pm
Thursday      - 11am – 8pm
Friday          - 11am – 9pm
Saturday      - 11am – 9pm

WebSite - http://cheesecurdsburgers.com/
Menu - http://cheesecurdsburgers.com/CheeseCurdsMenu_March.pdf
Burger Album - http://cheesecurdsburgers.com/photo-album

*All names are owned by the owner and are not belonging to me in any way shape or form. But seriously, how can you not name/reference a company with such
Great food and employee's?.

ALL HAIL "Appetite" The burger goddess.

Edit 06/08/13: Store Times updated