Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gas And Dash is a crime

     OK so I am an employee with a gas station in the Maritime's, we do enforce the prepay system as of 7pm AST, but yet people still get upset that they have to prepay.
     We still have 2 or more Drive Offs a week and for normally $50+ dollars and that is just the 1 site I work at that is 24/7 site. There are hundreds of gas stations throughout the Maritime's/Canada.
     Every time there is a drive off we have to call the cops, they have investigate it, thus taking them away from other priorities in the area that are more important than a Gas And Dash, that is alot of man hours wasted every year.
CBC just aired a video article on this as well http://bit.ly/Gas-and-Dash. There is no difference between prepaying your fuel and paying once your done other than the Gas company is not out the cost of the fuel when you have to prepay first.
     The order you have to go through to get your gas currently is
  1. Pump your gas
  2. Walk inside
  3. Wait in line (If there is 1)
  4. Pay
  5. Walk back out of the store
  6. Get in your vehicle and then leave
     Prepaying just requires you to go inside and pay then pump then leave, this only changes point number #1 & #4. now for the people that say they do not know how much gas they are going to need, well 75% or more of people these days pay with a credit card or a debit card or gas gift card, almost all gas stations now do pre-authorization's for the gas, thus if you under pump you are only charged for what you pumped and not the original amount you selected, no fuss no muss.
     As for the people that pay cash a little more exercise wont kill anyone by walking back in to get your change and or receipt, it is not hard to do at all.
     People just do not like change (or in some situations exercise) and the fact that the thief's ruin it for the whole.
     (also why do you have to pay for your groceries before you can leave the store and eat them! why can't you eat them then pay for them?)
      Also the thief's are getting smarter as well, I have seen them take their license plate off and then gas and dash, I have seen them use stolen plates, I have even seen 1 guy use a stolen car with a stolen plate from another car, the thief's are getting smarter and more brazen as well. make sure you make a comment here and at this site here http://bit.ly/WilcreNews957, that is where I posted this at originally but expanded upon it here.
     Also there are people out there that say the offender should have to do jail time for their crime, I do agree in a way, but why should they go to jail and live free, get free meals, a roof over their head, TV time and exercise and such all on our tax dollars (This is really another topic all together), make them do time yes, but do not give them creature comforts and make them do hard labor while they are in prison, they are there for a reason not a vacation.
     CBC News ran a article on Wednesday October 4, 2006 1:21PM PT about "B.C. to implement 'Grant's Law' to protect gas station workers", more info on BC's Grant's Law can be found at this link HERE with contact information for the Director of Communications for the BC Federation of Labour.

*All rights and privileges belong to their perspective owners, all links and images used for reference material and lead to their original owners.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Movies And The Theaters

Movies And The Theaters
Written by: Kevin Cresswell

     So I have been wondering about this for awhile now. Why is it that when you go see a movie it states that it starts at 6:55 but it never does…..

     So every time you go see a movie you get there about 15 minutes early to get your tickets and refreshments and then go get a seat expecting the movie to be starting soon.

     But alas you still have to wait for it to start because now you have to go through all the previews for the new movies that are out or are coming out soon which is the same thing that they were showing 30 minutes prior to the supposed start time of the movie and not to mention the advertisements and trivia that they show as well.

     If they do that then why is it that they don’t state that the movie will be start 15 to 20 minutes later then what they said it would be? A movie that they say will be 2 hours long from start to the end of the credits ends up being almost 2.5 hours instead.

     Back when I first started going to the movies the movies always started at the displayed times and all other previews for movies were playing before the movie actually started and there were no commercials or such that were played before hand (Exception to this rule were and I think are still Drive-In theaters; I wish they were still around and in use), But then again back then movies were good and had plots and were really enjoyable and cheap.

     Also almost like everything else theaters have been increasing their pricing on admissions and concession costs even though their cost for the movie (‘s) have not gone up enough to justify the price increase that the public has to pay to see the movie (‘s).

     For 1 person to go see 1 movie and get popcorn and a drink and lets say skittles you will be paying $25 (Per person minimum) but yet the drink and the popcorn are all bought in bulk and the candies are bought in wholesale; So there is no way that the high cost can be justified with the exception of greed by the company (which they say is they are doing it for their stock holders, which I can see but it is more for the CEO’s pay cheque than anything else) that you are dealing with to see the movie.

     So why is it that these companies charge so much for us to see a movie?. The company is the one that decided to make the huge theater and put in all the extra lights and electronics in the theater not us the paying customer.

     Take a look at the theater next time you get a chance to, you will see that the entrance area has a high ceiling that they have (Large light and heating cost due to the extra room to light and heat), Then if you also notice not all theaters are in use at all times, yet they have it lit up even though no one is in there. Some movie theaters even have separate hallways leading to other theaters that are normally used for big movie releases and sit dormant for some time, but yet they still have to heat them and have lights on in them.

     So in conclusion I do not understand why we as the paying consumer put up with the high cost of seeing 1 movie as we do now.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Now this is kinda old but I finally found it, might as well have all my toys together. Now also this is the shortened version, The full archived version from google.com will not load for me at this time.

Sunday Shopping Petition For All Of Nova Scotia

Category: Economy & Business
Target: Nova Scotia Government
Author: Kevin Cresswell
URL:  petitionspot.com
Started: August 9, 2006
Total Signatures: 4

     This is a petition for having Sunday shopping approved. The reasoning for the petition is for the fact that thepeople want it and some even need it due to work schedule and such. Want proof, as your friends and family members and co-workers their thoughts on it.

     Also it is not just the people, but the media talking about it, just listen to 95.7 on your FM dial, you will almost definite hear about Sunday shopping on there at least once in a full 24 hour span. Besides, what is shopping, it is as per the dictionary defined as V. To visit or buy from (a particular store). Now does that not mean corner stores, gas stations, coffee shops and such, if so why are they open and not everybody else.

     Oh sure people say it is a day of rest, but not everybody sees it as that, check out the Blue Law[S], if Sunday was the day of rest, why is the Blue Law[S] not enforced anymore!. So i say, if you have ever bought gas or even a penny candy for any reason since April 24, 1985, you are in violation of the Sunday shopping laws, and should be punished by the "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms act" or worse yet the original Blue Law[S].

     So lets justify this and rectify this and make Sunday shopping legal now except for when it only benefits the governments.. Say yes to Sunday shopping and sign this petition. Thank You. Written By WKBC and Family...


1. Lionel R Johns (8/9/06) - Either the world is right and Nova Scotian are wrong or Nova Scotia is right and the world is wrong. Its no wonder that Nova Scotia can bring in industry into this province when we close down the province on Sundays except for gambling, bars, beer stores and numerous other activities. Its time the people of this province got their heads out of the sand.

2. Shirley Johns (8/10/06)

3. Nicole Marie DesBarres (8/30/06)

4. apparently 11 daz thinks! sadly mistakin (4/26/09) - I support this petition.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gyms And Their Benefits Or Temporary Lack there of

Gyms And Their Benefits Or Temporary Lack there of
         So I have been wondering about this for a long time now. Why is it that gyms like Good Life Fitness (@GoodLifeFitness) do not take advantage of extra sources of energy for the operation of their gyms?.

         These days you see houses being built with solar panels on the roofs or in the back yards and even some but not many other companies do that as well, all in the response to the rising costs of power rates and to help reduce their monthly expenses.

         You can run allot of equipment with solar power, Water Heaters, Lights, Power outlets for other items and ETC.... The technology is also out there for human power to be converted to energy that can be used by electronics as well..

         So with that being said there are Close to 300 clubs across Canada Good Life Fitness, Just think how many other gyms that are out there as well that are not doing the same thing.

         Now Kudos have to go out to Good Life Fitness for going on UnderCover Boss Canada which aired Thursday March 22nd 2012 at 9PM. However allot of other companies have done the same thing.

         Now the other items that I have on my mind is the fact that all of the machines they have (Rower's, Elliptical's, TradMill's, Recumbent Cycle's Etc...) All of these machines can modified (Yes at a substantial cost) so that the energy that is created on them can be returned and stored in the batteries for the backup of the business location and energy can be returned to the power company for a credit to be applied to the power bill for that location.

         Now what would that mean for the business? Well it would be a large start up investment, however with quite a few of their locations being 24/7 and the close to 300 clubs in Canada of which they have 750,000 members (And Growing), That is allot of energy that is being wasted and not being put to good use. This would mean that over time the over head expense of the clubs they have would be lowered weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Annually thus this would allow them to take the extra profits that they have been able to acquire and put it in to more donations and foundations such as the (The Kilee Patchell-Evans Autism Research Group at the University of Western Ontario and The GoodLife Kids Foundation) and not to mention they can also lower their monthly gym membership fee's as well, that in turn would get them over time more members at a faster rate than they already have which

    in turn they would go from 1 in every 45 Canadians as members to a bigger ratio which is always a good thing. The more people that are part a of a gym that go to the gym on a regular basis have a better chance of having better health and well being (And no one can say that we don't as a society need to get in better shape). If McDonalds can be the official restaurant of the Olympics we might as well say is smoking is the official medicine of cancer.
         These are a listing of local gyms near me, to date I have gone to the Burnside 24 Hrs 4 Days/Wk (Main Gym for me and love it, always clean and friendly staff, When I went for my introduction with the personal trainer we were there 30 minutes or more past he end time for her shift but she had no problem with that at all) and the Scotia Square (Been their once, not impressed, was rushed out before closing, TV's were turned off at least 10 minutes before closing and that was after I was told they were closing soon, their Vending machine was out of order and bathroom was dirty; needless to say I showered when I got got home.) I am gonna try and get to the other gyms close by and see what they are like.

         Now to be fair this is my opion of the 2 gyms I have been to myself, I recommend everyone at some point try it out and make your own opinions, Good Life Fitness does provide a "3 Free Visit Pass" for everyone, the link to that is here for all to see and fill out. Link

    Club Info Source: Link

    Burnside 24 Hrs 4 Days/Wk
         202 Brownlow Ave. Unit CCY
         Dartmouth, NS
         Coed Club
          Tel:  (902) 481-2348
         Fax: (902) 468-2581

    Scotia Square
         5201 Duke Street
         Halifax, NS
         Coed Club
         Tel:  (902) 492-9289
         Fax:  (902) 492-0110

    Penhorn Plaza 24 Hrs 4 Days/Wk
         555 Portland Street, Unit A015
         Dartmouth, NS
         Coed Club
         Tel:  (902) 464-5433
         Fax:  (902) 464-1619

    Park Lane
         5657 Spring Garden Rd.
         Halifax, NS
         Coed Club
         Tel:  (902) 425-2348
         Fax:  (902) 425-2877

    Joseph Howe Drive Atlantic Superstore
         3601 Joseph Howe Drive
         Halifax, NS
         Women's Club
         Tel:  (902) 453-7724
         Fax:  (902) 455-5029

    Park Victoria
         1333 South Park Street
         Halifax, NS
         Women's Club
          Tel:  (902) 422-6696
          Fax:  (902) 406-3930

    Clayton Plaza 24 Hrs 4 Days/Wk
         70 Lacewood Dr.
         Halifax, NS
         Coed Club
         Tel:  (902) 457-2226
          Fax:  (902) 457-7377

    Portland Landrance
         650 Portland St.
         Dartmouth, NS
         Coed Club
         Tel: (902) 435-0818
         Fax: (902) 435-3798

    How I feel After A Great Work Out At Good Life Fitness
    Written By Kevin Cresswell
         Now Please Post a Reply with comments as to what you think about this.

    Sunday, June 17, 2012

    Nova Scotia Child Maintenance & its effects

         The child support in Nova Scotia is 1 sided for the parent that has the children. the monthly money that is given to the parent that has the children is solely based on the income of the parent that does not have the children no matter how much the parent that has the children makes, for most they have a minimum wage job but there are a few of the lucky people that do not, that goes for either parent.

         I like many others have the minimum wage job while my ex has a job that pays well above minimum wage but yet what she makes hourly is not taken in to account for the money that has to be paid out by me to her, she gets my money plus money from the government and her job as well as more GST when it is issued plus baby bonus and or any other government program for single parents that is out there. most people that have the kids get more money monthly than they make at work while the one that does not have the children don't make much more than you would get while being on social assistance. The only way for the parent that does not have the children to get ahead is to have a job that is off the books (Which if you speak to a lawyer they will even agree to that) but even then that can come back and bite you in the end.

         also if at any time the parent that doesn't have the children gets a pay raise in any way other than a minimum wage increase it has to be claimed and thus the monthly payout is increased again so any pay increase is nullified and a hindrance for the one that got the raise for they are no better off. Also if child maintenance says you owe back pay then they will take their normal cut of your pay cheque plus they will take the arrears as well bit by bit, but in most cases like mine they were taking up to and including 90-95% percent of my pay every 2 weeks, so working 50+ hours a week on the books can net you after tax's $100-$150 if your lucky. but yet when you go and try to point out to the system what they are doing to you everyone says you called the wrong person and or department and you have to talk to so and so and the cycle restarts itself again. And with all of that being said the person paying the child support has no say in how the money is spent once it has been paid out which is wrong and should be changed.

         The intent of the money is to be there for the children to get them what they need food/clothes/schooling, but unfortunately most parents that get the money spend it on stuff they want or say they need instead of using it for the children. it is not uncommon for the single parent to have the newest toys TV's, Cell Phones, Computers, cars and such all because of the monthly income they have from the Ex's and the government and their own jobs as well (They live high on the hog while the other is living on the slop).

         What should be done is have the monthly maintenance fees be accounted for as to where they go and how it is spent, also the actual monthly payment should be calculated on both parents income, for example, my income from my job is lower than my ex's; so say if i make $11/H and she makes $13/H the $2 difference should come off of what Is paid to her (Putting me at a lower rate of pay and making it a little easier for us to live), this way the parent without the children can live in a 1 bedroom place and not a low income place and afford to have food on a regular basis instead of depending on friends and or family for help with money and or food to survive pay cheque to pay cheque. People have always cried unfair and or discrimination for one reason or another yet no one has ever done anything about the child maintenance that is paid on a monthly basis by the large portion of the population.

         This link here http://bit.ly/P6TzEV will give you a calculation of approximately how much you would have to pay monthly based on the number of children you have and what province you live in.

         And as it states on that link

    • The number of children;
    • The province or territory where the paying parent lives; and
    • The paying parent's gross annual income.

         At no time does it mention the person that has the children because to the government it does not matter how much they make just what you make and how much they can take from you. Also the rates that are to be paid have a habit of changing, the last change was done on December 31, 2011.

         If you base the monthly payment say on $26000 gross income a year the new payment http://bit.ly/NIEs6p would be $380.00 + 1.3% where as the old payment http://bit.ly/N72lmU would of been $388.00 + 1.67%. As for the % after the dollar amount I assume is a monthly fee collected by the government probably for handling or what not.

         Now the $26000 gross income is based at $11/H, but after tax's all that is seen is $22039 (Approximate), that is almost $4000 that is not seen by the average person but yet is taken in to account when paying child support and should not be, that should make the monthly child support payment be $312 + 1.72% that's a difference of $68 a month, that can and does go along way for food and such.

         Now the Total Monthly Income (Gross) for $13/H is $2253.33 which in turn is Annually $27040.00 but has a tax pay out over the year of $4209 which in turn leaves them $22831 yearly ($1902.58 monthly) after tax's.

    Canadian Income Tax Calculator 2012 was used http://bit.ly/MzQhtt

         With that stated  without any deductions of any sorts there is no real big difference in the pay at the end of the year, but when filing tax's there is a big difference in the returns that are given back between the 2 people. So why is it that child maintenance is taken before tax's are deducted yet when filing for your yearly tax return you can not claim it in any form.  "Q - Can parents claim or deduct child support payments for income tax purposes? A – This depends when the child support order was made. The Income Tax Act was amended in 1997. Before the amendments the rules were that the paying parent could claim child support payments as a tax deduction, and the receiving parent had to claim the support as income. If your child support order or agreement was made before May 1, 1997, the old tax rules continue to apply, unless you obtain a new order or agreement or vary the order after May 1,1997. Child support orders made or varied since May 1, 1997, cannot be claimed as a deduction by the paying parent and the receiving parent does not have to claim the support as income." Source http://bit.ly/L70Zds